How to Add Contact on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is a widely used messaging application known for its compatibility with both iPhone and Android devices. It operates over WiFi which allows you to save on your mobile data usage.

If you’re looking to add a new contact to your WhatsApp you have two straightforward methods to choose from based on your current situation and if the person you want to add is close by. Here’s how you can do it:

Adding a Contact in WhatsApp

You can add someone to your WhatsApp contacts either by entering their details manually through the Chats tab or by scanning their QR code if they’re with you.

Add Whatsapp Contact Through the Chats Tab

  1. Launch the WhatsApp application and navigate to the Chats tab. This is located at the bottom of the screen on an iPhone and at the top on an Android.
  2. In the Chats view click on the New Chat icon. This icon is positioned at the top-right on an iPhone and bottom-right on an Android.
  3. Select New Contact.
  4. Complete the New Contact form by providing at least the name and phone number. You can also add more details if desired. There’s an option to scan a QR code here as well.
  5. Once completed click Save.

Using a QR Code to Add Contact

On the other person’s device:

  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Near the top of the Settings menu click on the QR code icon next to the user’s name. Every user has a distinct QR code located on their profile page in Settings.

On your device:

  1. Open WhatsApp and access Settings.
  2. Click on the QR code icon next to your name.
  3. For iPhone users tap Scan at the bottom of your screen. Android users should tap Scan Code at the top.
  4. Hold your phone over the other device to capture the QR code using the front-facing camera. Wait for a short vibration to confirm the scan.
  5. Tap Add to Contacts.

Adding International Contacts on Whatsapp

Adding an international contact follows a similar procedure to adding any other contact with a couple of additional steps:

  • Begin the phone number with a plus sign (+).
  • Input the correct international dialing code for the respective country. If unsure of the code it can be readily found online.
  • Immediately after the calling code enter the phone number.

By following these steps you can easily manage your contacts on WhatsApp whether they are local or international.

Final Words

Adding contacts on WhatsApp is a straightforward process whether you’re doing it through manual entry or via QR code scanning. By using these simple steps you can quickly expand your WhatsApp network to include new friends and colleagues whether they’re just across the room or on the other side of the world. Remember staying connected is key in today’s digital world and WhatsApp makes it easy and efficient.

Whether you’re adding someone from your local area or an international contact the process is user-friendly and can be done in just a few taps. So next time you meet someone new or need to stay in touch with people from different countries don’t hesitate to use these handy features on WhatsApp to add their contact information effortlessly.